Naomi Feil Interview: Improving the Lives of Older Adults Living with Dementia Validation Training Institute 13:55 4 years ago 5 294 Далее Скачать
Validation, communication through empathy | Naomi Feil | TEDxAmsterdamWomen TEDx Talks 11:03 9 years ago 299 313 Далее Скачать
Naomi Feil Discusses How Her Husband's Films Impacted Validation Validation Training Institute 2:51 4 years ago 174 Далее Скачать
Innovations of the Past and Celebrating Success (Session 1 Validation World Congress) Linked Senior, Inc 58:44 2 years ago 223 Далее Скачать
Breaking through Dementia: The Validation Method PioneerNetworkVideos 53:36 5 years ago 2 984 Далее Скачать
Naomi Feil explains the most important principles of Validation Validation Training Institute 4:02 2 years ago 4 529 Далее Скачать
What is Validation - Interview with Naomi Feil Validation Training Institute 4:04 7 years ago 9 979 Далее Скачать
Validation Naomi Feil - The Four Phases of late onset Alzheimer's (with Hebrew subtitles) Oran Aviv 7:39 4 years ago 4 107 Далее Скачать
Naomi Feil describes the Validation Method Validation Training Institute 0:55 2 years ago 540 Далее Скачать
Validation Method Insights: Conversations with founder Naomi Feil and neurologist Daniel C. Potts CognitiveDynamics1 39:55 2 years ago 1 210 Далее Скачать
Naomi Feil explains the difference between Diversion, Therapeutic Lying, and Validation Validation Training Institute 5:23 2 years ago 1 500 Далее Скачать